VIDEO: Las Vegas Police Shot at Suspect 16 Times After Carjacking Chase

Aug 17, 2018
Criminal Justice


At Nevada Business Chronicles, we bring you the most informative and up-to-date news in the world of business and consumer services. In this shocking incident, Las Vegas police engaged in a high-speed car chase to apprehend a suspect involved in a daring carjacking. This gripping video captured the intense confrontation that unfolded between law enforcement and the suspect.

The Carjacking Chase

The incident began when a carjacking took place in Las Vegas, sparking a pursuit involving multiple law enforcement agencies. The suspect, believed to be armed and dangerous, led officers on a high-speed chase through the city streets, endangering the lives of innocent civilians and law enforcement personnel alike.

Las Vegas Police's Response

Acting swiftly to protect the public and apprehend the suspect, Las Vegas police deployed a range of tactical measures during the chase. Despite the inherent dangers of a fast-paced pursuit, law enforcement officers showcased their training and professionalism while ensuring the safety of those in the vicinity.

The Confrontation

As the chase reached its climax, the suspect's vehicle came to a halt, and a tense standoff ensued. With adrenaline pumping, officers approached the suspect's vehicle, issuing verbal commands to surrender. However, the suspect did not comply, leading to a brief escalation of events.

The Use of Force

In a matter of seconds, the situation took a dangerous turn when the suspect made a sudden move, raising concerns about the safety of the officers at the scene. Faced with potential threats, Las Vegas police reacted decisively, firing a total of 16 rounds in an effort to neutralize the suspect and eliminate any imminent threats to law enforcement and the public.

Law Enforcement Accountability

Nevada Business Chronicles recognizes the importance of transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies. Las Vegas police authorities have initiated a thorough internal investigation to review the events leading up to the use of force, ensuring that proper protocols were followed and any necessary training updates are implemented to enhance officer safety.

Community Impact

Incidents like this can have a profound impact on the community. Nevada Business Chronicles aims to continuously provide a platform for constructive discussions surrounding such events, fostering a dialogue between law enforcement and the communities they serve. We believe in the importance of open and honest communication to strengthen the bonds between officers and the public towards a safer and more inclusive society.


In summary, the intense car chase and subsequent shooting by Las Vegas police after a carjacking incident underline the crucial balance between law enforcement's duty to protect the public and the use of force when faced with dangerous situations. Nevada Business Chronicles remains committed to bringing you comprehensive and detailed coverage of such events, shedding light on critical issues within the realm of business and consumer services.

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Lynnette Wilson
Intense action caught on camera!
Nov 8, 2023
Stephanie Leonard
The safety and well-being of everyone involved in high-stress confrontations, including law enforcement, suspects, and bystanders, should always be the paramount consideration.
Oct 23, 2023
Matthew Frome
👮🔫 Intense police chase!
Oct 7, 2023
Eric Fesefeldt
Let's hope that any necessary reforms or changes arise from this incident to improve the safety and well-being of the community.
Oct 4, 2023
Joan Keefe
The public relies on law enforcement to handle dangerous situations with professionalism and care, especially incidents involving use of force.
Sep 21, 2023
Craig Senia
High-risk situations like these require swift and decisive action by law enforcement, but it's critical to minimize potential harm to all parties involved.
Sep 6, 2023
Diana Williams
It's important for law enforcement to carefully assess the use of force in these intense situations. Safety for all involved is paramount.
Aug 15, 2023
Tom Brock
It's concerning to see such intense confrontations between suspects and police, but it's a reality of law enforcement work.
Jun 4, 2023
Alison Syrasoftllc
The video footage of the incident provides a valuable perspective on how law enforcement handles high-stakes situations.
May 29, 2023
Aisha Shiekh
I hope that the investigation into this incident will provide insights into how to prevent similar situations in the future.
Feb 12, 2023
Straw Choko
Incidents involving use of force always merit a thorough examination to ensure that the actions taken were in the best interest of public safety.
Feb 5, 2023
Joshua Mendoza
Incidents like these emphasize the need for robust training, clear protocols, and continual evaluation of law enforcement tactics in high-risk scenarios.
Feb 4, 2023
Jasmine Collier
The potential risks and consequences of high-speed pursuits underscore the need for law enforcement to exercise caution and judgment in their actions.
Jan 3, 2023
Rey Madolora
I hope that the investigation into the incident will bring clarity to the actions taken by the police during the car chase.
Dec 21, 2022
Jason Green
The safety of the community and the suspects is a primary concern in situations involving the use of force by law enforcement.
Dec 20, 2022
Cecilia Ljungberg
Video footage of incidents like this can serve as a valuable tool for learning and improving law enforcement responses to high-risk situations.
Nov 23, 2022
Mike Blei
My thoughts are with all those impacted by this intense car chase, and I hope that safety was prioritized throughout the incident.
Nov 21, 2022
Sarah Prokopchak
I hope there weren't any innocent bystanders caught up in the crossfire during the pursuit.
Nov 21, 2022
Corey Walsh
The police must be trained to make split-second decisions to protect the public and themselves. It's a tough job.
Sep 28, 2022
Tsola Vitalik
Thoughtful and cautious decision-making is vital in high-speed pursuits to prevent unnecessary harm to the public, suspects, and law enforcement officers.
Sep 14, 2022
John Baron
Situations like these are difficult for everyone involved, including law enforcement, suspects, and bystanders. Safety is paramount.
Sep 11, 2022
David Peddler
Mistakes can happen in intense situations, and it's important for law enforcement to learn from them to reduce the risk of similar incidents in the future.
Aug 5, 2022
David Stuck
The use of force by law enforcement requires a delicate balance to protect the public, the suspects, and the officers themselves.
Jul 13, 2022
Anna Broder
Cases like this highlight the importance of continuous training and evaluation of law enforcement tactics and decision-making in dangerous situations.
Jun 8, 2022
Goerd Kleinshmidt
The use of force by law enforcement is always a controversial topic, especially in high-profile cases like this one.
May 11, 2022
Egor Vinogradov
Carjacking is a serious crime, and it's understandable that police would take strong measures to stop the suspect.
Apr 27, 2022
Brian Johnston
Situations like these highlight the need for law enforcement to constantly review and improve their strategies for handling intense incidents to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.
Apr 6, 2022
Christine Vongsy
Engaging in high-speed chases demands a careful consideration of the potential consequences for all parties involved. Safety is paramount.
Mar 12, 2022
Roy Gu
The use of force must always be carefully balanced with the need to protect lives and ensure public safety.
Jan 24, 2022
Doug Martin
Trained officers are tasked with making critical decisions in dangerous situations, and it's important for them to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.
Nov 23, 2021
Matt Dylan
Cases like this highlight the importance of learning from past incidents to constantly improve law enforcement approaches in high-risk situations.
Nov 14, 2021
Fatima Solis
It's crucial for law enforcement to continually refine their approaches to handling high-stress situations to safeguard the well-being of everyone impacted.
Nov 12, 2021
Helen Ginman
It's imperative to examine the circumstances surrounding this incident to ensure that appropriate actions were taken by the authorities.
Oct 15, 2021
Brenda Reed
Cases like this emphasize the need for clear policies on the use of force by law enforcement officers.
Sep 7, 2021
Alberto Belli
The safety of the community should always be the top priority in police operations.
Aug 26, 2021
Sondre Halvorsen
The well-being of everyone involved in these intense situations, including law enforcement, suspects, and the public, should always be a primary concern.
Aug 24, 2021
Claire Banks
The balance between enforcing the law and ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved is always a challenging one for law enforcement.
Jul 3, 2021
Nick D'Avanzo
Engaging in high-speed pursuits entails a significant responsibility to protect the public and suspects from harm.
Jul 3, 2021
Manisay Gabbard
I hope there were no serious injuries as a result of this high-speed chase. It's a tough situation for everyone involved.
May 17, 2021
Hugo Lajeunesse
Efforts to enhance the safety of the public and all parties involved should be at the heart of law enforcement actions, especially in high-stakes scenarios.
May 15, 2021
Andrew Grimston
The safety and well-being of the public, as well as the suspects, are important considerations in situations like these.
May 2, 2021
Aron Taylor
My thoughts are with the law enforcement officers, the suspect, and anyone else impacted by this intense car chase.
Feb 9, 2021
Shawn Wornkey
Seeing these kinds of incidents really highlights the challenges law enforcement face on a daily basis.
Feb 8, 2021
Fedor Chenkov
The safety and well-being of all individuals must be at the forefront of law enforcement actions, particularly in high-risk scenarios like this one.
Jan 7, 2021
The protection of all individuals involved in intense confrontations should be the focus of law enforcement efforts, and steps taken to minimize potential harm.
Dec 19, 2020
Billy Teems
It's important for law enforcement to reflect on how to improve their responses to high-risk situations to maximize safety for all involved.
Dec 15, 2020
Marcel Vicente
It's crucial for law enforcement to continually refine their approaches to handling high-risk situations to minimize potential harm to all parties involved.
Dec 5, 2020
Glenn Thompson
The potential dangers of high-speed chases necessitate a meticulous evaluation of risk and a focus on safety for all those involved.
Dec 2, 2020
Stephen Bennett
The safety of the public and the suspects must be the foremost consideration during intense police operations like this one.
Nov 26, 2020
Alicia Kidd
The safety of the public and law enforcement personnel is of utmost importance during apprehension efforts like this one.
Nov 22, 2020
Mark Gullan
High-speed chases are always high-risk situations with potential for serious consequences. It's a tough decision for law enforcement to engage in them.
Sep 23, 2020
Leticia Lages
The public counts on law enforcement to navigate difficult situations with skill and care, particularly when the use of force is involved.
Sep 8, 2020
Jeanne Mason
It's crucial for the public to have confidence in the professionalism and judgment of law enforcement officers, especially in tense situations.
Aug 15, 2020
Bob Hillin
The use of force by law enforcement should always be carefully reviewed to ensure it aligns with the goal of minimizing harm to everyone involved.
Jun 23, 2020
At Coleman
The public needs to feel confident that law enforcement has the necessary training and judgment to handle dangerous scenarios effectively.
Mar 31, 2020
Stefanie Rodriguez
High-speed pursuits are fraught with potential risks, and it's imperative for law enforcement to consider those risks in decision-making.
Mar 22, 2020
Alex Manning
It's essential for law enforcement agencies to have clear and well-defined protocols for engaging in high-speed pursuits to mitigate potential risks.
Mar 21, 2020
Dave Ramsey
This seems like a dangerous situation. I hope the police were able to capture the suspect safely.
Feb 16, 2020
Jason Leeds
It's crucial for law enforcement to continually evaluate and improve their tactics and decision-making processes, especially in high-stakes scenarios like this one.
Nov 16, 2019
Darren McColl
Strong training and clear protocols are essential for law enforcement to manage high-speed chases with care and professionalism.
Oct 25, 2019
Kevin Krashoc
The use of force by law enforcement demands careful consideration to prevent unnecessary harm to individuals involved, and the public at large.
Oct 8, 2019
Zilai Zhang
The public and law enforcement personnel must be protected from harm during confrontations like high-speed chases, and every effort should be made to minimize risks.
Oct 1, 2019
Ram Ravichandran
It's vital for law enforcement to continually evolve and improve their approach to handling dangerous incidents like high-speed chases. Everyone's safety is at stake.
Aug 11, 2019
The safety and well-being of the community and the suspects are core considerations in law enforcement actions, especially in high-stress scenarios.
Jun 12, 2019
Lizanne Sadlier
The safety of the community should always be the guiding principle in law enforcement operations, especially in high-stakes situations like car chases.
Jun 1, 2019
Ann Paterno
Cases like this are an important reminder of the complexities and responsibilities faced by law enforcement officers as they work to maintain public safety.
May 9, 2019
Leanne Biden
It's essential for law enforcement to work towards minimizing the risks and potential harm to all parties during intense operations like this one.
Apr 29, 2019
Theodore McGehee
It's important for the public to have confidence in the judgment and professionalism of law enforcement officers, especially in high-stress scenarios.
Apr 15, 2019
Katherine Lafond
It's important to remember that the police are tasked with ensuring public safety, even in high-risk situations.
Apr 9, 2019
Patricia Huc
Incidents like these are a reminder of the complexities and challenges faced by law enforcement as they work to protect communities.
Jan 14, 2019
Nedra Bottieri
Public trust in law enforcement is crucial, especially in incidents that raise questions about the use of force.
Dec 29, 2018
Mark Martinez
Law enforcement must strive to strike a balance between enforcing the law and safeguarding the safety and well-being of everyone involved in intense situations.
Dec 21, 2018
Jonathan Walling
The safety and well-being of everyone involved in these high-stakes situations must always be the top priority.
Dec 17, 2018
Romi Bassett
High-speed chases must be managed with extreme care to minimize potential risks to bystanders and the public.
Dec 13, 2018
Henry Chiu
I hope that reflective measures will be taken to minimize the chances of similar incidents occurring in the future.
Nov 12, 2018
Sean Collins
Safety should always be the top priority in law enforcement operations, particularly in high-stakes situations like car chases that carry inherent risks.
Oct 30, 2018
Richard Burnett
The safety and well-being of the public and law enforcement personnel should drive all decisions made in high-stress confrontations like car chases.
Sep 30, 2018
Brent Twenter
It's vital for the public to trust that law enforcement is able to respond effectively to dangerous situations like carjackings.
Aug 20, 2018